So today I’m 41weeks and 1 day pregnant, otherwise known as 8 days overdue!
History definitely repeating itself, as it did with my first son Easton. Babies are happy and just chilling out…and Mommy to be is still going about her day to day activities, just fine!
I feel very healthy and energetic, if you can believe it or not…and contrary to what most pregnant people experience in the stages of being overdue…I’m quite patient and feel very good!
I feel very strongly that Baby Petry #2 will be making an appearance in the next couple days though…
Alot of things going through my head, and it’s a bittersweet feeling.
I have absolutely love being pregnant…it’s a great time in your life. It’s been fun every trimester seeing the changes it brings, and how baby is growing.
It makes relationships stronger and love a little deeper.
Chris and I are anxious to meet our new baby…but as the one actually carrying the baby…I will miss so many things like all the kicks and flutters.
It’s cool how I can communicate with the baby by rubbing and tickling my belly, and even if the baby is sleeping, I will get a very quick response…I will miss that when baby comes. I will miss how Easton talks to my belly, and says ‘there’s a baby in my Mommy’s belly, I’m gonna be a big brudder’ and how Chris rubs my stomach to feel where baby is, and the smile on his face when he gets a good kick…but all of these will turn into beautiful moments like Easton holding his new sibling and Chris sitting on the couch with our kids cuddling them both…so although bittersweet that a pregnancy will soon be over, a brand new chapter will start…and my little family will be complete.
Counting my blessings tonight and thankful for all that is about to happen.
I am sending all the love back to each and every one of my dearest family members and friends who have been reaching out to me and sending me luck, love and a speedy delivery…I love you for your support. Thank you …. and I can’t wait to share our news!!!
…I will look back on this chapter in my life, and have such pride that I will treasure always.